Yep! I am officially the worst at blogging. It's just like journaling for me...I get on a kick of doing it and I'm all excited for a while and then it all just peters out because I get so stinkin' busy! That's life I suppose but here I am again. :)
One special thing that happened in our family is that we celebrated our one year anniversary a few weeks ago! I just can't believe how fast time goes by - especially when you are having so much fun! Lee and I have not only learned so much through this last year but we have grown so much closer together as a couple and more in love than ever.
He brings me so much joy and I am SO blessed to have him with me :) One of the greatest things is to go through life with the one you were meant to be with forever and that makes everything so much more wonderful.
I turned 26 on the 10th of July. My mom and brother came down to visit Lee and I in Idaho Falls and that was a fun time! This was my cake that Lee got for me:
A cheeseburger cake! Complete with fries! It was so random but so funny! I loved it!
And if you didn't already know, we're back in Spokane for good! We decided that Idaho Falls wasn't the place for us and some things with work and school didn't go quite as planned so we decided we'd might as well be closer to family and friends than be in a place where it's just us and it's been great! We love spending lots of time with family and our new apartment is so cute! I'll post pictures when everything is all set in place. We love being back!!! :)