Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We are getting ready to move in a couple of weeks. It's only across the street, so no big deal, but we are going to be saving a bunch of money each month, which thrills me to pieces! I generally don't care for moving and the process it entails, but this time, I'm looking forward to it.

For the last week or two, I have been diligently going through all of my stuff (that Lee affectionately calls "junk") and either donating it, throwing it away, giving to my mom, or finding a new home in our home for it. I have seriously gotten rid of so much of this "stuff" that I thought I needed and it feels so good to just clear it all out! And, strangely enough, I have even more room now to be able to organize everything as I want it instead of tossing it in a bin in a closet, never to be looked at again. It really feels great when everything is neat and orderly and chaos free!

Because of this organization that I have been trying to implement in our lives, I have been able to enjoy our space so much more. I cleared out a bin that was full of cotton fabric, for example, wrapped all of them on little cardboard bolts, and neatly tucked them in my bookshelf so that I could "shop" it more easily and actually feel like sewing more often. This is a sampling of what it looks like now: 
Isn't it pretty to look at when it's all laid out like this?! Hopefully, we can get some more bookcases and I can fill them with fabric this way. Yes, I have that much. :/ 

I am so proud of myself because this quilt that I recently completed for our baby was made all from fabric and supplies that I already had laying around in bins! I didn't have to go to the store at all!!! That is quite an accomplishment for me and made the process of making the quilt fun and now I am looking forward to doing another one! 

When I can see everything that I have to work with, I find that I can complete a project quicker and with excitement instead of dread and irritation because I can't find something.
So, needless to say, when we move into our new apartment in a couple of weeks, my goal is to make everything neat and organized when we first get in there so that it's all clean and accessible.
Yay for organization!!!

Gender Reveal...

I cannot express in words how bad I have wanted to tell you what baby Durtschi's gender is!!!
So without further a due...

We are so excited about this!!! Lee especially since he has wanted to have a whole crew of them since we have been together! Looks like he'll get his wish with this one! :)
 I know he'll be as handsome as his daddy and we can't wait to meet him!!! :)