I had such lovely thoughts today in church and I have been just itching to share them. There was a baby blessing today. Now, yes, I have seen/been to many baby blessings, but this one was a little different. As the father was giving his son a blessing and all the men in the family were up there in the circle, my mind instantly went to my own little future family. I imagined Lee walking to the front with our son in his arms, all of our family right behind him. I imagined the words he would speak as he addressed his Father in Heaven. My heart was so full as I thought of the joy I would feel as a new mother watching my husband exercise his priesthood for our family. I had an overwhelming sense of happiness, peace and joy in that moment because I knew that that will be ours to experience one day. I am truly thankful for the priesthood in my home and that Lee worthily uses it to bless us. I am so thankful for him and his diligence in trying to do what is right. He is such an example to me and I know he will lead our family in love and righteousness. I know that families are central to the Creator's plan and that they are forever! I love having that knowledge!
I love knowing that my family and I will be together forever!

OK! Soooo, Just want you to know that I'm looking forward to the baby to!!